Visa and MasterCard Settlement

Essential Things You Should Know About Visa and MasterCard Settlement

After several years of trials, the Court has finally made an affirmation regarding the Visa and MasterCard Settlement. Because of this, consumers can now truly use these payment platforms to their advantages. Did you just say that you are among those people who do not know much about it? If this is the case, you better continue reading this article. There are a lot of things you should know about this settlement as well as significant things that happened before the settlement. Read on and learn more about it. Continue reading

Online Fraud Prevention: Be Aware and Don’t Be a Victim

Every day is an online fraud prevention day. Although there is no official declaration for this, but for those who don’t want to be and will never want to become the victim, it is better to declare the awareness today. It is really hard to imagine how people get easily hypnotized by different processes which just all goes down to fraudulent activities. Well, these people may not just be aware of what they were doing so today, to prevent more and more people to become one of its victims, it is better to be knowledgeable about its different forms.

Be aware and get involved in online fraud prevention. You should know the following forms below:

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Online Credit Card Payment

Advantages of Using Online Credit Card Payment

Credit card payment for buying a service or product on a site or any internet transaction is the most popular form of payment online. The online credit card payment provides expediency for both the shoppers and the company. Paying products online by means of credit card saves you and the business a lot of time and hassle and at the same time transaction could be done right at the comfort of your home anytime you want, even in the middle of the night. Continue reading

Why to Choose an Online Payment Gateway for your Business?

Selling and buying services and products online today is faster compared before. Merchants or businesses could easily client’s payments from debit cards, credit cards as well as bank accounts with payment gateways online. A payment gateway is a safe, automated method which takes the payment from a customer and delivers it to the business. This kind of service process the disbursement certifies it, and then declines or accepts the transaction based on the detail received. Continue reading

High Risk Merchant Account

High Risk Merchant Account

A high risk merchant account is a perfect solution when you company deals with internet gambling, pharmaceutical products, adult services, sports wagering, travel services, tobacco companies or online cigarette or any kind of commerce which involved a high income or an increased possibility of fraud. When you believe your company is not measured to be high risk you will want a typical eCommerce merchant account or think about applying for offshore merchant accounts. When attained, it allows you to process debit cards online for the high risk facilities you offer. Continue reading

Secured Credit Card

Secured Credit Card

Secured Credit Card is a credit card that requires a deposition of specific amount from you in money market accounts or savings accounts. You could also provide organization with deposit certificates. The least amount of deposit lies in between 200 dollars to 500 dollars, it depends upon the organization. The deposits are stored for safety purposes. Some credit card issues use these deposits for getting interest.

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